
This page compares the performance of each country at the Winter Olympics, compared to the total number of medals available at each event.
We then compare this ratio to the percentage of athletes from a given country vs. the total number of athletes at each event.
We can look at an analysis not taking the total number of athletes into account here Average but not outstanding result for France at the 2014 Olympics :
Although France beat its record of medals, it is not the largest number of French medals if we compare this number to the total number of medals available (5.1 % of the total, the French 6th performance in history, behind 1968 , 1948 , 1964, 1924 and 1992 - the record being 8.5 %).
And if we restrict this analysis to gold medals, Sochi becomes the 8th best result with 4.0 % of the medals available ( 11.4 % in 1968 ).
But if we say "it is certainly easier than before to get medals because of the proliferation of events, but it is also harder because of the increased number of participants, which is a good point.
We can then look at the ratio (% medals / total medals at stake ) / ( % French athletes / total # of athletes )
In this case , Sochi are the second best game of the French , with a ratio of 1.39 (3.10 in 1964, and 1.36 in 1948 and 1.13 in Grenoble-1968). And this ratio instead Sochi mind of the 5th if you look only at the gold medals .
This is good result for France, but not the best ever

Jeux olympiques moyens pour la France :
On a certes battu notre record de medailles, mais ce n'est pas le plus gros nombre de medailles francaises si on le rapporte au nombre total de medailles mises en jeu (5.1% du total, soit la 6e performance francaise de l'histoire, derriere 1968, 1948, 1964, 1924 et 1992 -- le record etant a 8.5%).
Et si on se restreint aux medailles d'or, Sochi tombe a le 8e meilleure moisson avec 4.0% des medailles en jeu (11.4% en 1968)
Mais si, ce qui est juste, on dit "il est certes plus facile qu'avant d'obtenir des medailles a cause de la multiplication des epreuves, c'est aussi plus dur a cause de l'augmentation du nombre de participants".
On peut alors regarder le ratio (%medailles/total de medailles en jeu)/(%athletes francais/nb total d'athletes)
Dans ce cas, Sochi sont les 2e meilleurs jeux des Francais, avec un ratio de 1.39 (mais 3.10 en 1964 tout de meme, contre 1.36 en 1948 et 1.13 a Grenoble) Et ce ratio ne place Sochi qu'a le 5e place si on ne regarde que les medailles d'or.
C'est donc bien, mais le record n'est pas battu...

Total count
Gold Medals count

Total Count

(Total number of medals divided by the total number of medals available)divided by (Number of athletes of each country divided by the total number of athletes)


Comparison between the different Olympics for a given country


Comparison between the different countries for a given event


Gold Medals

Go Up

(Number of gold medals divided by the total number of medals available)divided by (Number of athletes of each country divided by the total number of athletes)


Comparison between the different Olympics for a given country


Comparison between the different countries for a given


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